Ok, just emerged from the dream-state that is Beowolf in IMAX 3D. First thing to keep in mind if you go: sit as far back and in the middle as possible, and bring earplugs. I’m not kidding, that shit gets loud. Unlike other IMAX 3D films I’ve seen, for Beowolf you keep the glasses on the entire time. As I recall with Superman Returns, you put them on and take them off about 5 times, for a grand total of perhaps 20 minutes of 3D. Here, the entire thing is in 3D and I must say, by far the best I’ve seen up this point in time. Almost completely filling your field of vision, it unfolds almost like a dream, and is the closest to the Heavy Metal comics of my youth coming to life that I’ve seen.

Rendered in motion capture previously used for The Polar Express, it unfolds almost like a dream and absolutely carries you along. More than just arrows shooting at the viewer, some of the 3D imagery is simply stunning. Occasionally it’s bit too gory and definitely too loud at times but overall, all things considered, not a bad interpretation. Does the dialogue soar poetically, given that it is derived from an Old English poem? Of course not. Dialogue is serviceable at best and in the context of a film intended to appeal to the widest possible audience, references to “My Lord’s famous meat” are bound to elicit a few giggles. But, Beowolf is shown as the flawed warrior he is and Angelina Jolie makes a fantastic entrance; in fact, I wish there had been more of her as she is stunning presence in this film. If you’re looking for a good fantasy film and to catch up with the latest in animation and 3D, this is very much worth catching in a theater.

Nice article on motion capture on wikipedia:


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